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The Scent of Success: Perfumer Blev Lavoux on Mastering Luxury with Her Sustainable Cosmetics

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Trained in the art of perfumery, Blev Lavoux found her years working for large cosmetics companies ultimately unfulfilling. Despite their high cost, she believes that the toxic chemicals used in most scented products are not only harmful to people, but also to the planet. 


With that in mind, Blev decided to create her own high-end brand to show the industry that luxury can be combined with sustainability and ethical principles. Although still a relatively young business, Call of the Vialed has attracted the attention of influencers and customers alike — even growing into a successful wholesale enterprise.


We spoke to Blev about why she loves connecting with her customers on a personal level, the power of social media promotion and how she created a routine that helps her avoid burnout.

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Name: Blev Lavoux


Business: Call of the Vialed


Started: Spring 2016 


What inspired you to create your business?


I first started out working in product development and marketing for a classic perfumery and prestige-market cosmetics company. I found that the beauty industry showed very little interest in the environmental impact of its products, though, and all of the items that were marketed as sustainable or ethical didn’t have the luxury appeal of other cosmetics. 


Having spotted this niche in the market, I decided to create my own brand, Call of the Vialed, to bring a premium sensibility to the natural, sustainable side of the beauty industry. Perfume is well known for containing harmful and often toxic petrochemicals, and perfume makers tend to lack sustainability initiatives. Maintaining these values wasn’t only the right thing to do, it differentiated Call of the Vialed from the rest of the market. 


Who was your very first customer?


Once I knew the right type of customer for my product, finding them was sort of baked in! 


My clients appreciate the artisanal quality of perfumery, so Etsy was a great first destination to set up shop since people there are browsing for something creative or authentic outside of the usual channels. They’re willing to try out smaller, idea-driven brands, so that’s where I found my first customers. 


After building an Etsy following, I launched a dedicated website and slowly garnered a global interest among influencers, which allowed me to expand my direct e-commerce presence. I rely on having a great reputation and loyal customers who will spread the word! 

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When did you know your business was going to work?


Quite early on I started reaching out to social media influencers and people who could promote my products online to their existing followers. 


One of my most successful efforts came once I placed my perfumes with some well-established YouTube vloggers. After they had tried the products out on camera and recommended them to their followers, I saw my first sales spike. That was a really exciting moment because it’s when I felt that the brand was starting to get noticed. It was also great to have sales come in not just during the holiday season.


What has been the biggest surprise so far after starting your own business? 


Since starting Call of the Vialed, the biggest surprise has been being able to connect with my customers and hear how my nontoxic and sustainable ingredients have allowed people who normally experience chemical sensitivities and autoimmune disorders to enjoy fine fragrance again. 


It’s also been surprising to hear the number of people expressing how tired they are of the gender binary concerning fragrance and how my scents being unisex is helping change the stigma. It’s so rewarding to know that my products are not only satisfying my consumers, but can also be empowering! 

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How do you price your products?


I've learned that it's important to research and undertake a competitive analysis for pricing. My industry’s standard also includes cost-plus pricing, so I do a regular markup after I’ve taken into account my overheads and labor costs. I also have to keep wholesale prices in mind, otherwise there won’t be any consistency in the way that my products are marketed.


Like any other aspect of developing a product, I just try to make sure I’m accurate, complete and always keep my customer in mind. 


What does a typical day look like for you? 


There’s a lot of switching gears, but I try to stay productive by setting aside days to focus on different things. For instance, I’ll focus on creative tasks one day, which covers perfume formulating, photography, copywriting and so on. I’ll then hone in on finance and accounting another day and, of course, sales and marketing the next day. 


I wake up pretty early and put together a to-do list of my tasks while I go through my morning routine of breakfast and coffee. I then head to my studio and spend the whole day there while trying to make sure I get in plenty of breaks and snacks to keep me going! 


I try not to work too late and I set time aside in the evening to socialize and relax — sleep is an important part of my routine to avoid burnout. 


What would you like to learn today from a network of other small business owners and self-employed professionals? 


It’s always important to keep in mind that we all can learn from one another and already have a lot in common! 


I’d love to find out how other small business owners spend their free time away from their ventures and how they manage to stay open and creative, especially if they’ve been in an artistic role for a while. It’s something I sometimes struggle with, balancing work and life while making sure I keep creating. 

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Do you have expert work-life balance tips that you can share with Blev?

How do you find ways to stay creative, while still balancing all of the craziness that comes with running your own business? 


Share your experiences and ideas with us below! :-)

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