Level 7

VIDEO: You're Invited to QB Community's Momentum to $1 Million Group!

Bestselling author and business coach Julie Gordon White will be leading a new discussion group for women entrepreneurs who want to take their small business to the next level - and you're invited! Beginning Monday, April 2, Julie will guide members of the Momentum to $1 Million Group (M2$1M) in an exchange of ideas, resources and information to help grow their small businesses to the $1 million mark.



Julie will be leading real-time chats on Wednesdays from 11 AM-12 PM Pacific time, so you can get an immediate response to your pressing concerns from a seasoned entrepreneur who has "been there, done that." Read more about Julie and the M2$1M group - plus get some practical strategies and guidance right now - at Momentum to $1 Million.


To join now, just click the green “Join” button here.


Got a question for Julie right now? Post it in the comments below!