Level 4

Talk about your business

The first suggestion to get from home plate to first base on the "development diamond" : Assess, and be true to yourself: How do you best learn, and most importantly, retain & apply (action) knowledge? Auditory? Visual? Eye/words? Next, commit ( no trying in baseball, on this diamond :) ) to yourself that you will stick with a development strategy for at least a year. Vision -> Strategy -> Plan/tactics. Third: Be certain that your budget always includes money for investing in yourself - Warren Buffett - paraphrasing him here - has said that there are two crucial keys: Invest in "You, Inc" & get out & stay out of debt. Personal & professional development can be looked at in a venn diagram - they overlap and you are right in the crescent shape! Fourth: Get your "hedgehog concept" diagrammed - certainly your potential & passion circles, and keep the profit one in mind too. ** I'll stop here for now - be superb! **