Level 3

Talk about your business

@EmilyCowan nobody should go into business without first creating a business plan!! It is so important to have a road map for success and get your vision on paper. More importantly, the business plan will be necessary for many business reasons, such as getting start-up or working capital loans if need be. I won't continue to reiterate how important a business plan is, because a lot of awesome points were already made in this discussion!

Likewise, SMART goals are uber important to a person's success. That is why they are a mainstay in business and management courses! Who will be more successful; The person that says "I have a goal of $500k in revenue this year", or the person that makes the same statement, but put in the work to make the goal specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, & time-based? SMART goals are a great tool for any aspect of life/business that needs to be improved!