Level 5

Talk about your business

I'm a CPA.  I work from home.  Just me and my computer (and my pinball machine).  No staff.  Low overhead.  Most days I wear pants.

Given all that, I charge $150/hour.  I only charge when I'm doing actual work; ie: I don't charge for phone calls and emails, time to the "nearest quarter hour" or anything like that.  Mostly I'm too lazy to track my time that closely.  Clients that are a little more of a pain, with lots of phone calls and "nagging" will pay a little more.  Easy clients get a little break.

I give away a lot of free advice (like here, as well as a couple of other online resources).  I don't mind because my best, highest value is what I can offer to people who become clients, and that happens AFTER the free advice.  I want them to remember "that Wagner was a nice guy that seemed to know what he was talking about," so that they will call me in the future, or even recommend me to a friend.  I have tons of clients that I have never met, who came to me after giving "free" advice.

I've never had to advertise, and I have more work than I can do.  So the results speak for themselves.

But that's just me.