Level 4

YouTube is the new Business Card...

Hector Thumbnail.PNG



I have been trying to teach my fellow accounting professionals that VIDEO will be the new standard and people will see having a website-only as irrelevant as they see business cards for companies that do not have a website today...




If you are consistently creating new content in youtube (or other video plaforms) that explains who you are, what you do, how you do it, and WHY you do it... and use that as a platform to build a community which will in turn be your clients.  you will be ahead of the game of all your peers within your industry... It is not too late, start creating video content now!


Here are the slides to the presentation: https://qbcommunity.com/ooxbu36397/attachments/ooxbu36397/QuickBooksConnect/133/1/YouTube_is_the_new...
