Level 1

License Ownership/Upgrading to 2019


I took over a bookkeeping position and my current QB 2016 license is in the former employee's name. I'm now getting an "unrecoverable error" message (19659 17277) that is preventing me from using QB at all. And, in order to get support, I need to transfer the license to my name.


--How do I transfer the license name to mine (I've called Intuit twice, was told I'd receive a form on email but have received nothing)

--I'm upgrading to 2019 now that 2016 isn't supported, once I get my computer upgraded. If I do that, will QB Pro 2019 be under the same employee's name, since I'll be transferring the data over?


Thanks for any help anyone can offer.  Another thought: should I buy an additional license rather than try to do a name change?
