Level 1


Hi James

Currently our method for receiving credit card payments for goods, is as follows:

1. Customers salesorder placed online with credit card, which is pre-approved by

2. Goods selected, shipping calculated etc, invoice created.

3. Payments captured online on 

4. In QuickBooks: Customers > Receive Payments > Payment Amount (exact amount of payment entered) > Save

5. Invoice printed, date-stamped PAID by QuickBooks, and included with shipment.


Employees do all of this easily.

Every evening I go into QuickBooks and make the deposits, separating the different payment methods into separate deposits, etc.


My concern is how to easily implement the PayPal payments (step 4 above).

I like the suggestion by other user sbraver above "Can we then set a RULE that if payments come in this way, the PayPal fee is automatically generated and recorded?"

This to me would e ideal. The reply by ClayJ to this comment did not make sense to me and did not seem to address the issue though.

Thank you for your help!