QuickBooks Team

Employees and payroll

It's great to have you here, @barnele.


I'd be pleased to share some information on how you can create a vacation paycheck for your employees.


Since you want to create a separate check solely for Vacation pay, let's run an unscheduled payroll.


Here's how:

  1. Go to Employees.
  2. Choose Payroll Center.
  3. Select Payroll tab. 
  4. Click Start Unscheduled Payroll button.
  5. Enter the Payroll Information
    • Make sure that only the column for Vacation hours has data on it. Remove the hours reflecting on the other payroll items if there are any,
  6. Click Continue.
  7. To review the check detail, click on Open Paycheck Detail button.
  8. Hit Create Paychecks.

For additional insights, you may check these articles:

That's it! This should get you on your way to creating your employee's vacation paycheck. I'm happy to lend a hand.