
What is the quantity on purchase order (PO)?

Quantity on Purchase Order (PO) is a field that displays on inventory items. The purpose of this field is to keep a running count of inventory that is on order but not received yet.

Where you'll find the Quantity on PO?

You'll find Quantity on PO in the following areas:

  • Add/Edit Inventory item
  • As an available column on the Product and Services list
  • As an available column on the Product and Services List report
  • As a default column on the Physical Inventory Worksheet report
  • Hover over the "Qty on PO" tool tip in the Qty column of Sales Receipts/Invoices/Purchase Orders/Bills/Expenses/Checks transaction forms.
  • The Quantity on PO pulls its calculations from open line item quantities on Purchase Orders for all dates (including those dated in the future).
  • The Quantity on PO for a single product is always based on the total product quantity on all open Purchase Orders regardless if the POs are from multiple vendors

Add the QTY on PO column to Products and Services

You're able to add the QTY on PO column to Products and Services by following these steps:

  1. Select Settings ⚙ on the toolbar, then choose Products and Services.
  2. Select the Settings icon beside Export.
  3. Place a checkmark beside Qty on PO, which will add the column.

Now you know what the Quantity on Purchase Order (PO) field is and how to find it.