
Restore your file

Learn how to restore your company file in QuickBooks Desktop.

Unable to locate your file? QuickBooks can restore your company file to get you back to business in no time!

 Note: When you download the file, you're asked where to save or map it. Make sure to choose a file location you can easily remember.

How to restore a file

  1. Open QuickBooks.
  2. Select the File menu, then Open or Restore Company...
  3. Restore the file based on its type:

Tips and tricks

Do you have Assisted Payroll?

If you have Assisted payroll, you may get the following error message after restoring the file:

This QuickBooks file may be missing some of the payroll data that you have already sent to the Payroll Service.

Resolve this issue before creating any new transactions:

  1. To restore the missing data, select Send Payroll Data from the Employees menu.
  2. Select Send.

Note: Select Send if the Items in the Send field contains 0 Paychecks for $0.00. If there are transactions listed, you may send duplicate transactions to the payroll service. Contact payroll support to check what items have already been sent."