
User roles and access rights in QuickBooks Online

Learn about the different options for user roles and access permissions.

When you add a user in QuickBooks online, you can manage their roles and limit their access to specific tasks. You can also choose what users can see and do within different areas of QuickBooks, like customers and sales, or vendors and purchases.

Learn more about user roles

QuickBooks user roles are customizable permissions you can give your team. User roles are either billable or non-billable. Billable users count toward your user limit, while non-billable users don’t. Learn more about user limits for your subscription. You can also invite your accountant as a firm user so they can review your QuickBooks company file.

Roles that count toward user limits

Learn more about each billable user role that counts toward your user limits.

Roles that don’t count toward user limits

Learn more about the user roles that don't count toward your user limits.

Standard user role access rights

Primary admins and company admins get all access rights. When you assign the standard user role, QuickBooks lets you choose the user’s access rights. You can choose to give them all access, limited access or none.

When you add a new standard user, you'll see what they can or can't do on the screen. Here's a summary of what the access options allow.

Here's a summary of what the access options allow.

User settings for the standard user role

After you’ve chosen a standard user role’s access rights, you’ll also be able to select their user settings. You can give them permission to manage users, edit company info, or manage subscriptions. Or you can choose a view-only option, or no permission at all.