
Company file is missing or cannot be found

Learn what to do if your company file is missing or can’t be found in QuickBooks Desktop.

If you try to open your company file and see the error:

Warning: The company file you selected could not be found. You can try one of the following:

Choose the 'Open or Restore Company...' command from the 'File' menu to look for this file in a different directory.


Use the 'Search' tool from the Windows 'Start Menu' to search for this file in your computer.

Don’t worry, it’s usually because your company file was moved or renamed. It can also happen if your computer is disconnected from the path where the QuickBooks file is located or your QuickBooks file has been deleted from your computer. To fix it, choose how you access your company file, then follow the steps.

Note: This article references the Accountant Copy File Transfer. Please be advised that this feature is only available in US and Canadian versions of QuickBooks Desktop.