
Change customer email settings for recurring payments

Recurring Payments automatically emails your customers each time one of their scheduled payments is processed. If you don't want to email customers a confirmation for each payment, you can turn off all customer emails.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Open Recurring Payments in one of the following ways:
    • If you use recurring payments within QuickBooks, go to the Customers menu, select Credit Card Processing Activities and click Set Up Recurring Payments.
    • If use standalone Recurring payments, sign in to the Merchant Service Center.
  2. Select Processing Tools > Manage Recurring Payments.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Set your customer email preference.Under Email my customers each time they’re charged and enable customer notification upon payment setup, choose:
    • Yes to automatically email customers a confirmation of each individual payment. This option also lets you send customers a notification when you set up a new recurring payment.
    • No to end ALL customer emails. Customers won't get emails when their payments are processed. You also lose the notification option shown below when you create a new recurring payment.User-added image