
Turn on or turn off two-step verification

Learn how to set up or disable two-step verification for your Intuit account.

“Two-step verification” is a security setting where you confirm that you’re the one signing in to your account using your password and a unique code.

Set up two-step verification

  1. Sign in to your Intuit account.
  2. From the left menu, select Sign In & Security.
  3. In the “Two-step verification” section, select Turn on.
  4. Make sure your phone number is correct, then select how you want to verify your account:
    • Text message. You receive a standard six-digit verification text code.
    • Voice call. You receive an automated voice verification code in English.
  5. Select Turn on.
  6. Enter the code, then select Continue.

Now you have an extra layer of security every time you access your account.

Turn off two-step verification

Don’t need this setting? Follow the steps below to disable two-step verification.

Multi-factor authentication

You can also set up “multi-factor authentication” as extra protection against fraud. To know more, check out this guide.