Level 1

Merging 2 credit card accounts when one is closed because of identity fraud


My credit card info was recently 'acquired' by someone and that card was closed and a replacement provided by the issuer. I created a new credit card account with the new card number and attempted to merge the old account with the new one since they will be merged by the issuer. When I do this, I get the message that the reconciled charges on the old account (I have been reconciling religiously each month) would show as reconciled in the new account. When the accounts were merged successfully, none of the charges were reconciled as warned. Does this mean that I must go back and reconcile the statements since the beginning or is there another way to do this?? I have since restored my Company File from the pre-merge state and am hesitating to merge the two cards now. Is there another way to 'shift' from the old card to the new one without losing my reconciled charges?

Thanks in advance for the input.
