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Welcome to our forums, @suesblues,


Let's make sure you're able to log in to your QuickBooks Desktop account.


John-Pero shared great insights on how you can access your account if your password does not work. If you're having issues signing in to your company file, you can run the Automated Password Reset Tool.


You can try the steps he outlined above and see if it works for you. Please be reminded that the sign in page in QuickBooks is case sensitive. Make sure you key in the uppercase and lowercase characters correctly.


If you're getting the same error after using the tool, it is best to get in touch with our QuickBooks Technical Team for further assistance. There they have advanced tools to help you log in to your account without any issues. To contact us, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your QuickBooks Home page, then click the Help menu at the top.
  2. Choose QuickBooks Desktop Help from the drop-down.
  3. Hit the Contact us icon.

I'd be glad to provide further assistance should you have any questions. Best regards!