
Expenses & Suppliers

I'll help you link the payment, grantcowan.


This usually happens when the bill is not checked on the payment. To link the two transactions, you can follow these steps:

  1. From the vendor's profile, open the Bill Pmt-Check.
  2. Go to the Bills Paid In This Transaction section at the bottom.
  3. Make sure that the bill has a check mark under the Pay column.
  4. Click Save & Close, and then click Yes when prompted.

Once done, you'll notice that the payment is now linked to the bill and the vendor doesn't have an outstanding balance.


But if the same thing happens, I'd suggest running the Verify and Rebuild Utility tool. This will automatically detect what's causing the issue, and will give you the corresponding troubleshooting steps.


Please let me know if the payment is successfully linked. Thanks.