
Reports & Accounting

Cryptocurrency Community is growing fast and Bitcoins are already used for online trading or transactions now a days, Glyn.


QuickBooks needs a third-party application to track and record your Cryptocurrency Tranding data. This application (for example, BitPay or Shopify) should be able to process Bitcoin payments and can integrate with our program.


You can also browse these articles about Cryptocurrency and QuickBooks:

If you need assistance of the integration process, I'd recommend contacting the third-party application's support. 


Meanwhile, if you want to record your trading data manually, it'd be best to consult your accountant. They can give you different options that will suit your business setup.


Other traders (that use QuickBooks to record their trading data) might be able to see this post and provide you additional pointers, too.


Feel free to drop by again if you need anything else. Have a great day!