
Reports and Accounting

Welcome to the Intuit Community, @georgerobinson35,


It's possible the Undepostied Funds account has been renamed. Let's go and review your Audit Log to see exactly what changes were made.


Here's how to access the Audit Log:

  1. Click the Gear icon.
  2. Select Audit Log under Tools.
  3. Click the Filter button.
  4. Use the fields on the Filter panel to choose the appropriate User, Date, or Events filter to narrow the results.
  5. Click Apply.

The history shows 150 records at a time. Select Previous or Next to move between pages of records.


For more details about this feature, feel free to read through here: The Audit Log Helps You Discover Data Errors, Boost Workflow Efficiency and More.


That will keep you going, @georgerobinson35.


Keep me posted if there's anything I can help you with navigating your Chart of Accounts. I'm always around whenever you need help.