Level 1

Reports and accounting

hank you for your reply. However, I think  my question wasn't clear enough, sorry. 

Let's put it this way. Does reimbursed expenses consider to be income?

We are working on real estate project ,and almost all our expenses are paid back by third-party company.

I understand that at the and, my net will be zero. But should I see my reimbursable expenses on expense part  and  reimbursed expenses as income on my P&L or trial balance?

What I've been doing is :

record/pay bill, click Customer:Job- pick company that I am going to Invoice to.

Then I go toy Create an Invoice-and from the Line Time and Cost for:ABC Company -Expenses, I pick my Bill that I want to get reimbursed for. 


This kind of transaction creates offset on P&L or trial balance, so in the end I have Zero- no expense and no income. I believe that it is incorrect.