Level 15

Reports and accounting

To Clarify:


@IntuitHeidi Answered for QB Online.


This originally was a topic for Desktop. In Desktop, if you are asking about Billable, that is when you run one of the Time reports. If you have billable Items and Expenses, you see that my running the Unbilled Costs by Job report. If you have billable Mileage, these reports are in the Mileage tool and in the Jobs, Time & Mileage reports in the Reports menu.


And for All 4 tabs of Unbilled charges seen in Add Time & Costs, you simply use the HIDE column, to checkmark that you want the program to go to that source entry and remove the Billable checkmark for you. That is counter-intuitive: you checking the HIDE, which tells the program to Deselect the Billable box in the originating entry.