Level 3


Hi Chris

I have decided to set up a new company which scares me slightly.

If I import the item list to the new company will I be able to delete those I do not want as surely then they will not have any transactions against the?

Also struggling with how to account for VAT. We are on cash accounting basis and I filed a VAT return at the end of July Month End which is now showing in Accounts Payable so I am fine with that bit. However how do I enter opening balances for customers and suppliers and account for the VAT element so the VAT 100 report is correct when invoices are paid. Also on my balance sheet I have a balance in VAT Liability which I assume is those invoices VAT element that has not been paid yet. 

When I set up the new company at what point do I import my lists? Will it ask me if I want to import at some point in the set up process.


Sorry for all the questions but pulling my hair out here Thanks x