Brexit FAQ for Australia
by Intuit• Updated 1 year ago
The UK has left the EU and is currently in the transition period that will end on 31 December 2020. When the new UK-EU relationship starts on 1 January 2021, this may affect some of the bank feeds you have connected in QuickBooks and QuickBooks Self-Employed.
Will bank connectivity for UK banks be affected?
The framework used by some financial institutions to provide bank feeds were implemented under EU regulations. Some UK financial institutions will need to move to a different framework to provide the bank feeds after 1 January 2021.
As part of this, some QuickBooks and QBSE customers may need to reconnect their bank accounts. We will communicate the list of which UK banks are affected during November.
We don’t anticipate any loss of connectivity for any UK banks, but will update this page if any bank feeds will not be available after 1 January 2021.
How about Allied Irish Bank (UK)?
Allied Irish Bank (UK) is a subsidiary of Allied Irish Bank and serves as the legal entity for the UK banking division. We don't anticipate any loss of connectivity.
When will I know if I need to take any action because of Brexit?
There will be changes in how QuickBooks integrates with your financial institution and retrieves your banking information. We are working hard to minimise any impact to the way you use QuickBooks to keep your bank account connected.
It is possible that we will ask you to take action in the following months to ensure data from your bank keeps flowing to QuickBooks. We will be sending further communications as soon as possible to let you know of any changes which will happen before the 31st of December, and any actions you will need to take.
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