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Connect your Square account to QuickBooks Online

by Intuit Updated 2 weeks ago

Learn how to connect your Square account to QuickBooks Online so you can easily import your sales transactions.

Do you use Square to process payments? With the Connect to Square app, you can bring your sales transactions into QuickBooks automatically. QuickBooks then categorises and matches them to your bank records. All you need to do is review and approve the work.

Here’s how to set up Connect to Square and start importing your transactions.

Step 1: Set up QuickBooks

Before you get Connect to Square up and running, here are a couple things you can do to make QuickBooks handle your Square transactions exactly how you want it to.

Connect your bank account to QuickBooks

If you haven't already, connect the bank account Square uses to deposit money from your sales. QuickBooks can then download your bank transactions and match them to your Square transactions.

Import Square products and services

By default, the Connect to Square app enters “Square item” for product and service names in imported transactions. You just need to manually change a product or service name once, and the app remembers and uses it for the same item in future transactions. However, you can avoid this work altogether by importing your product and service items from Square:

  1. Open Square and export your products and services as a CSV file.
  2. Open QuickBooks and follow the steps to import products and services from your CSV file.

This ensures the product and service names in QuickBooks match up exactly with what you have in Square.

Step 2: Set up the Connect to Square app

Once QuickBooks is set up the way you want, you’re ready to connect it to your Square account.

  1. Sign in to your QuickBooks Online account.
  2. Visit the Connect to Square page in the QuickBooks Online app store.
  3. Select Get App Now.
  4. Select Get started.
  5. You’ll need to grant permission for QuickBooks and Square to share product details. Select Give permission.
  6. In the new tab that opens, enter your Square account login credentials, then select Sign in.
  7. Select the Square locations you want to sync with QuickBooks. Then, use the dropdown menu to select the bank account where you want to deposit that location’s sales. Select Next.
  8. Use the dropdown menu to select a starting date for the transactions you want to bring in. Later, you’ll be able to choose which transactions you want to add into QuickBooks.
  9. Select Finish.

Once you finish setting up the Connect to Square app, it begins downloading your Square transactions to QuickBooks. Depending on how many transactions you have, the first import may take up to 30 minutes.

Going forward, the app checks your Square account several times a day for the latest transactions.

Note: Summary view is not yet available outside the United States.

Note: If you connect an app with a high volume of daily transactions, QuickBooks Online may freeze. To fix or prevent this from happening, you must change the sync options in the app to allow it to bring over a daily summary instead of individual transactions.

Step 3: Review your Square transactions

When your Square transactions appear in QuickBooks, you’re ready to review and add them to your books.

  1. Go to Transactions, then select App transactions (Take me there).
  2. Select For review. Your Square transactions appear in the list, with details like product description, quantity, purchase price, and fee breakdowns.
  3. For each transaction, select an action, depending on the status:
    • Add or Match: This transaction is ready to add to your books. If QuickBooks is connected to the bank account you use to deposit Square payments, you can match it to a specific transaction that’s already in your books. Note: To ensure all your sales data from Square gets added to QuickBooks, we recommend you add transactions from the App transactions tab and then match them from the Bank transactions tab.
    • Review: There are multiple transactions in the books that could be the same as the transaction from Square. Confirm which transaction it matches.
  4. Once you’ve added transactions, you can review them by going to the Reviewed tab, then select the sales receipt or deposit under the Added/Matched column.

Manage your settings or disconnect the app

You can change the location, item, and customer settings for the Connect to Square app by going to the app settings. Here you’ll also find advanced settings, and where to go to disconnect the app.

  1. Go to Transactions, then select App transactions (Take me there).
  2. Select App settings, then Square.
  3. Select the tab for the type of setting you want to change. To disconnect the app, select Disconnect Square.
  4. Select Done.

Change the income account for the default Square Item

By default, all imported sales transactions are added as “Square Item” in QuickBooks. This product or service item maps to a specific income account in your chart of accounts. To change the account the Square Item maps to:

  1. Go to Sales and select Products & services (Take me there).
  2. In the Find products and services field, search for “Square Item".
  3. Under the Action column, select Edit.
  4. In the Income account dropdown menu, select the income account you want Square sales to record to.
  5. Select Save and close.

Common questions about the Connect to Square app

The app doesn’t import “money out” transactions from a Square Card. To add these transactions to your books, you can download them in a CSV file from Square and upload the file to QuickBooks.

Also, the app doesn’t yet support disputed transactions. If you have any transactions that include disputes, QuickBooks prompts you to exclude them. You can add a disputed transaction to Quickbooks by manually entering the deposit or by adding the transaction from the Banking tab (if you linked the bank account where Square deposits your money).

When you’re ready to start using the new Connect to Square app, we recommend you take the following steps:

First, disconnect the Sync with Square app in QuickBooks Online:

  1. Go to Apps, then select My Apps.
  2. Under the Sync with Square card, select the Actions dropdown and then Disconnect.
  3. In the pop-up message, select your reason for disconnecting and then select Confirm disconnect.

Then set up the Connect to Square app using the steps above.

In the App transactions tab, if you have any transactions that were already sent to QuickBooks using the Sync with Square app, you can select those transactions and exclude them from Quickbooks.

If GST is turned on, we will match it. If it is not turned on, it will be compiled into one line item.

Connect to Square can only match the exact names of your customers. For example, if you record your Square transaction as FirstName LastName, but in your QuickBooks it is LastName FirstName, the app will not match the customer. However, once you manually point an imported transaction to the correct QuickBooks customer, the app automatically updates to the correct customer in the future. This also works when you match products and services.

Connect to Square adds details to QuickBooks when an order is closed on the same day that the final payment is received. If you receive partial payments on an open order, those amounts will be reflected as a deposit adjustment to ensure that your books reflect the money that Square has deposited into your bank. QuickBooks will then adjust out that prior payment when the order is closed on the day the final payment is received and the sales details are added to QuickBooks.

Yes, you can get all your prior transactions. When you first set up the import you can choose the date range you want.

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