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Which contact fields are imported from Excel?

by Intuit1 Updated 1 week ago

Before conducting an import from Excel, it is important to know which contact fields will be imported and any restrictions, which fields are optional, and best practices before you get started.

There are several things to think about when importing from Excel:

  • Confirm your files contain data.
  • To import multiple pages, save each page as a separate file.
  • Make sure the information you want to import appears on the first page of your workbook.
  • Make sure your spreadsheet has a header row. QuickBooks Online uses the first line for mapping purposes and does not import it.

The first, middle, and last name must appear in a single column or field before importing.


  • At least one of the name fields in the originating file must contain a name.
  • A name cannot exceed 100 characters.
  • A name cannot include a tab, newline, colon (:), or quotation mark (").
  • Names must be unique between your contact lists - Employee, Customer, and Supplier.

Restrictions: Limit of 50 characters.


  • Cannot contain spaces, and must contain an at sign (@) and a period.
    Example: your_name@business.com.
  • Limit of 100 characters.


  • Phone: No formatting restrictions; limit of 21 characters.
  • Mobile: No formatting restrictions; limit of 21 characters.
  • Fax: No formatting restrictions; limit of 21 characters.



  • Street: Limit of 2000 characters.
  • City: Limit of 255 characters.

State: Limit of 255 characters.

Restrictions: Limit of 30 characters.

If left blank, defaults to your home country.

Restrictions: Limit of 255 characters.

(Optional) Balance of the account as of the Opening Balance Date, in the account's currency.

Restrictions: None.

The date the opening balance should be valid.

Restrictions: None.

The account number of the customer or supplier account. This allows you to group customers or suppliers into a single account or assign a unique account for each customer or supplier.

Restrictions: The account number must follow these rules: It must start with 411 for customers, and 401 for suppliers. It must be between 6 - 15 digits. It can contain both numbers and letters. If the account number is not present, a customer is automatically assigned to account 411001, and a supplier is automatically assigned to account 401001.

Restrictions: The Australian Business Number or tax number for customers or suppliers, i.e. the
ABN and Tax Reg Number (customers) or Tax ID Number (suppliers).

Restrictions: Choose the report basis for this supplier (cash or accrual). If left blank, this field defaults to cash.

Restrictions: The Resale Number (for customers) has a limit of 16 characters. The Tax ID (for suppliers) has a limit of 20 characters.

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