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Kind and Ethical
Level 1

Receiving a purchase order and booking in stock and allocating payments

Hi team, hope all is well,


Could you please help me with a purchase order question?


I have entered a PO and sent to my supplier, I have had 2 payment dates against the PO and now received the stock but I don't know how to receipt the stock and show this now as a live inventory items. When I copy to bill it won't allow split payments either.

If you copy it to a bill and then save this will it book the stock in?

I clicked on the close box in the PO thinking this would receive the stock in but it has now removed the qty showing on purchase order. I have attached a screenshot for reference.

Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks

3 Comments 3

Receiving a purchase order and booking in stock and allocating payments

It's great to see you here today, @Kind and Ethical,


I can share some insights on how you can split payments for a single purchase order. To do that, edit the lines once you copy the transaction to the bill, Here's how:


  1. On the purchase order, click on Copy Bill.
  2. On the bill, click the Delete icon and select Remove line from the pop-up.
  3. You can also update the Quantity of the items manually based on what is paid for that date.
  4. The remaining quantity will automatically populate when you copy the bill again.


This process will let you split the payments for a single purchase order. 


If you have other purchase order questions, add them in the comments below. I'd be more than happy to help you out.



Kind and Ethical
Level 1

Receiving a purchase order and booking in stock and allocating payments

Thanks so much Jen D!


I am not sure I will be able to remove the lines to get to a 50% paid figure on the 2 transactions, the goods are being imported from Japan and the exchange rate has changed at both points of payments.


I entered these as an expense across 2 transactions but I can't link it to the PO


Can you also please advise how the stock on PO will then show as available for sale on the system and if the copy to bill process is how this is achieved?


Thank you!


Receiving a purchase order and booking in stock and allocating payments

Hi Kind and Ethical,


Appreciate your response. 


If you're received only part of a purchase order, or make a partial payment, you can add just those parts to a bill or expense. This links multiple transactions to the same purchase order:

  1. Select + New.
  2. Select ExpenseCheque, or Bill. Learn more about when to use expenses or bills.
  3. From the Payee ▼ dropdown, select the supplier. This opens a window with their open purchase orders.
  4. Select Add for the correct purchase order. This adds the items from the purchase order. They appear in the Item details section.
  5. Adjust the quantity or amount for each line item to reflect the portion you received or plan to pay for.
  6. Select Save and close.

Once you create a bill or an expense for those purchase order, it will increase the quantity of your products and services. 


Feel free to leave a comment if you have any other questions.