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Clear up customers with zero net balances in the Accounts Receivable Aging report in QuickBooks Online

by Intuit2 Updated 1 month ago

If you're seeing customers with net zero balances in the A/R Aging Summary report, it's usually caused by an invoice that's not linked to a payment or credit.

Note: Even if the net balance is zero, the A/R Aging Summary report will still show the open invoice.

To clear up the net zero balances:

  1. Select + New.
  2. Select Receive payment.
  3. Enter the customer name and leave the Amount received blank.
  4. For the Payment date, enter the date you'd like to use as the invoice closing date for your reports.
  5. Under Outstanding Transactions, put a checkmark next to the invoice to be paid with the credit.
  6. Under Credits, put a checkmark next to the credit.
  7. Select Save and close. The zero balances should now be gone from the A/R Aging Summary report.

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