Payroll setup: Pay schedules
by Intuit•1• Updated 1 year ago
Before you run payroll, it’s helpful to establish the frequency of your pay runs for employees. You may have different pay periods for different employees.
- Navigate to Payroll, then Employees (Take me there).
- Select the employee you want to update and edit the Employment details section.
- Select an existing pay schedule, or select Add pay schedule under the Pay Schedules drop-down menu.
Your options are:
• Every week (52 times a year)
• Every other week (26 times a year)
• Twice a month (24 times a year)
• Every month (12 times a year)
4. To add a new pay schedule, complete the following:
• Pay frequency
• Next payday
• End of next pay period
• Pay schedule name
5. Select Save.
Note: Once a new pay schedule has been created, it can be selected for existing and new employees.
6. If there are multiple employees on the same pay schedule, you will have to update this setting on each employee.
Note: If you mark the Use this pay schedule as the default for employees you add after this one field, that pay schedule will automatically be assigned to all new employees that you add. You'll be able to change the pay period for each employee in the employee window.
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