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Changes to T4, T4A, T5018 XML electronic filing to CRA

by Intuit82 Updated 3 days ago

Due to recent updates made by the CRA, there are changes to electronically filing 2024 T4, T4As, and T5018s in QuickBooks Online and Quickbooks Desktop.

You can review the information provided by the Government of Canada webpage for full details.

QuickBooks T4 XML update is now available for accountants logging into Represent a Client (RAC). When logging into Represent a Client to upload slips for clients, the Representative Identifier (RepID) associated with your login must be included on the newly-added TransmitterRepID tag line group in the XML.

Quickbooks Online

For T4

  1. Before generating T4 XMLs, add your RAC RepID under Payroll Settings within each of your client’s companies.
  2. Select the Gear icon, then Payroll Settings, then Federal Tax.
  3. Select View/Edit next to the Business Number Field and follow the instructions for Multi-Factor Authentication.
  4. Enter your 7-digit alphanumeric Representative Identifier (RAC) in the new field.
  5. Select Save.

All T4s generated after saving the RepID will include the RepID tag line on the T4 XML.

Note: If you generated T4 XMLs prior to the date of this message, you will need to delete the Employer T4s from the Archived Forms area and regenerate them to ensure the RepID you entered appears on the XML.

A parking meter with a no parking sign on it.

For T4A and T5018

You are able to enter your RepID just before downloading the XML.

Quickbooks Desktop

In the QuickBooks Desktop application, when you reach the EFILE T4s display window, you now enter the Representative ID:

  1. In QuickBooks Desktop, navigate to Employees in the top dropdown menu.
  2. Select Payroll Forms and select Process T4s.
  3. Select Employees, then Review.
  4. Review as needed.
  5. Click EFILE. The EFile T4s window displays for you to enter your EFILE information.
  6. Enter your 7-digit alphanumeric Representative Identifier (RAC) in the new field.
  7. Select Send.

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When using MyBA to upload slips you should ensure the number associated with the login matches the Business and Reference Number seen under the Federal Tax option within Payroll Settings. The 15-digit Business Number and Reference Number in QBO (for example, XXXXXXXXXRPXXXX) will flow to the new TransmitterAccountNumber tag line group in the XML. If the two do not match, the XML will be rejected during upload.

Note: RL-1 XMLs for Québec are not impacted by this CRA change. You may upload RL-1 XMLs to Revenu Québec as needed.

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