Request to be the primary admin or contact
by Intuit•17• Updated 1 month ago
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For your account security, it's important to update your contact information, especially when there's a change in your business.
Here’s how to request to be the primary admin or contact for a QuickBooks account.
Things you can do as a primary admin or contact
As the primary admin or contact, you can transfer the primary admin of your QuickBooks Online account.
Transferring the primary admin role to an accounting firm/firm user can affect:
- Billing
- User management
- Support plan
- Bank account changes
If the main admin or contact can't give you the role, don't worry. Even if they aren't there or can't do it themselves, you can ask our account protection team for help
Step 1: Gather documents for your request
The kind of business you have and who owns it affect the documents we need to check. They also affect if we need to assign a new main admin or contact. Here's what you need to give us:
Determine the type of business
Note: If a deceased primary admin or contact was the owner, you’ll need to provide the same documents required. You’ll also need to provide:
- A notarised documentation that reflects the name of the executor of the estate for the deceased owner.
- A photo ID and permission letter from the executor of the estate.
Important: The letter should authorise the requester to become the primary on the account.
Step 2: Complete the form
You'll need to sign in with your email to view the form. If you don't see a form at the bottom of step three, sign in to your Intuit Account to access QuickBooks, then return to this page and refresh it in your web browser.
Important: Help us get your request approved quickly and safely. Please make sure:
Ready to send your request? Complete the form below
Important: Make sure to update your browser to the latest version so you can log in here:
Step 3: Know the next steps
We'll review your case as soon as possible. Once the review is complete, you’ll receive an update via email with the status of your request. Wait for an email from no_response@intuit.com.
Note: Some domains may block @intuit.com communications. Learn more about how to receive important email messages from Intuit.
If we approve your request
We'll let you know that you're now the primary admin or contact. The next time you use QuickBooks, just sign in with the email address you gave us.
If we’re unable to approve your request
We'll explain why your application was rejected and what you need to do to fix it. For instance, we'll tell you if a document is missing, hard to read, or doesn't meet our approval rules. You'll need to fill out the form again and upload all the necessary documents to keep your information safe.
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