Class reporting for certain transactions in QuickBooks Online
by Intuit• Updated 2 months ago
Every transaction except journal entries is separated into a header and a detail portion. When classes are assigned, they get attached to the detail portion of transactions. They don’t get associated with the header accounts.
If the account being reported is a header type of account, the class data doesn’t get saved with the header. Bank accounts, loan accounts, and all header type of accounts, can’t be linked to a class in the reports.
For example:
- On a cheque, the bank account is the header and the account selected in the table is the detail.
- On an invoice, Accounts Receivable (A/R) is the header and the income account linked to the product/service is the detail.
The type of transaction information pulled into a report depends on the type of report. For example:
- Reports that are reporting income and expense account information, pull information from the detail of transactions.
- Reports that are reporting asset, liability, and equity account information, pull information from the header portions of transactions.
An example where you would see both balance sheet and profit and loss account types reporting would be the Transaction Detail by Account report for all account types. This report only shows classes for transactions with income and expense accounts, unless the transactions were through a journal entry. If the transaction is through a journal entry, QuickBooks Online reports the class for asset, liability, and equity accounts. A class associated with this type of account is usually an exception. Most QuickBooks users don’t make journal entries for all transactions. So, it’s helpful to know why one might report and another might not.
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