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Difference between List reports and Balance (Totalled) reports

by Intuit1 Updated 2 weeks ago
Some of your reports will look different depending on whether they're in the classic view or new enhanced experience. Learn more about the new enhanced experience.

Learn about the difference between List reports and Balance (Totalled) reports.

List and Balance (or Totalled) reports are both useful, however, they do have some differences. Knowing basic information about their differences is helpful when trying to figure out which is appropriate to use.

List report and Balance report

List report gives you the items without showing the balance column or total.

Balance or Totalled report gives you balances remaining or total sales, amounts due, among others.

For example:

  • The Supplier or Contact list report shows the customer's name, address, and phone number, but doesn’t give a customer balance column or total.
  • The Transaction List by Date has "list" in its title and shows numbers, but won’t provide a total.

Get a total in a List report with amounts

  • If you run a report and it doesn't have a balance column or total, double check the title of the report. There's a good chance that the report has “List” in the title.
  • A List report with amounts can be exported and customised in Excel to provide a total. To do this, select More actions, then select Export to Excel.

Display the Total column on reports

Display columns only appear in Balance (Totalled) reports because List reports don't display totals.

  1. In your QuickBooks Online account, go to Reports (Take me there).
  2. Search and select your preferred report.
  3. Select Display.
  4. Select the category you want to view from the Display columns by ▼ dropdown. The report always shows the total, unless another filter is selected. You can select Clear/Clear all to go back to displaying the total.

Note: Want to save your changes? You can memorise the report so you have a saved copy of it.

You now know the difference between List reports and Balance (Totalled) reports.

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