Set up and use location tracking in QuickBooks Online
by Intuit•1• Updated 1 week ago
Location tracking is used to categorise data from different locations, offices, regions, outlets, or departments of the same company. This feature lets you see all the payments for one location and deposit them as a group.
Note: This feature is only available for QuickBooks Online Plus.
Turn on location tracking
- Go to Settings
and select Account and settings.
- Select Advanced.
- In the Categories section, select the Edit ✎ icon.
- Turn on the Track locations switch to track locations.
- Select Save, then Done.
Add a location
- Go to Settings
and select All lists.
- Select Locations.
- Select New, then enter the name of the location you want to track in the Name field.
- Select Save.
Edit or delete a location
- Go to Settings
and select All lists.
- Select Locations.
- Select the location you want to edit or delete.
- From the Action ▼ dropdown menu, select Edit or Make inactive.
- Select Yes to make the location inactive, or select Save to save the changes.
Make an inactive location active
- Go to Settings
and select All lists.
- Select Locations.
- Select Settings ⚙ above the Action column, then select Include inactive.
- Select Make active on the location you want to activate.
Now you know how to set up and use location tracking.
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