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Debtors opening balance edit

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QuickBooks Team

Debtors opening balance edit

Hello there, Kokosusu. I'm here to share details about editing your debtor's opening balance in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


Did you enter an opening balance when creating your debtor's account? If so, you can edit the initial transaction since it is recorded as an invoice with the Opening Balance noted in the Memo column.


Here's how:


  1. Go to Sales and select Customers.
  2. Double-click the customer you want to change the opening balance.
  3. Click the Date column to switch the view of the list and see the oldest transaction.
  4. Click the dropdown under the ACTION column. Then choose View/Edit.
  5. Change the Amount.ChangeOpeningBalanceCustomer.png


Moreover, if you're referring to a different opening balance, please provide more details about the issue. If possible, including a screenshot will help us better understand your concern and offer a more targeted response.


Additionally, you can run customer reports to get a comprehensive overview of your accounts receivable transactions.


Let us know if you have other concerns about managing your debtor's opening balance in QBO. We're here to help you in any way we can.