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Fix bank errors in QuickBooks Online

by Intuit80 Updated 4 months ago

If you come across an error code or error message when trying to connect a bank account or upload transactions to your bank feed manually, don't worry, we have a fix for it.

This page will help you understand and fix:

Tip: Our in-product Digital Assistant can walk you through the steps to fix your bank connection. Simply open the Digital Assistant, type "fix my bank", and follow the steps.

Fix an error code (a number in brackets) on your bank feed

Select the error code you're getting to view the steps to fix it:

Error 101 could be due to 3 possible causes. Here are some solutions to try:

  1. Log in to your bank's website in a new tab or a different browser to see if you can get in without any errors.
  2. Check if you account is still active. Your account is considered active if there's an existing balance, or if there were transactions in the past 12 months. If you're supposed to have an active account but are still unable to log in to your bank's website, contact your bank directly.
  3. Look for missed prompts that need your confirmation on your bank's website. Acknowledge the prompt, then go back and refresh your account in QuickBooks Online.

Bank error 102 and 105 usually mean there may be a problem on the bank's end. Their website may be undergoing maintenance or have server issues.

See Fix 102 and 105 bank errors for more details.

Error 103 means the user ID or password is incorrect for the bank account you're trying to connect to.

To fix this for an existing bank connection

If you have an existing connection and you recently changed your bank sign-in info, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Transactions, then select Bank transactions (Take me there).
  2. Locate the card for the account that generated Error 103.
  3. Select Edit ✎.
  4. Select Edit sign-in info.
  5. Enter your new credentials, then select Update.
    Note: Make sure that your browser does not auto-fill your credentials.

To fix this for a new bank connection

If you're connecting for the first time, be sure to select the right bank and enter your bank sign-in info correctly.

  1. Go to Transactions, then select Bank transactions (Take me there).
  2. Select Add Account.
  3. In the Search field, enter the bank's URL (for example: https://www.bank.com).
  4. Select your bank. If you see multiple options, you may have to repeat these steps to find the correct one.
  5. Enter your sign-in information on your bank's website, then select Continue.

Note: If you receive Error 103 again, select Go back and repeat these steps with a different bank name from the list.

This means QuickBooks is unable to locate your account on your bank or financial institution's website. This usually happens when the account is closed.

To resolve this issue, follow the steps to disconnect online banking accounts from QuickBooks Online. You can then remove the account from your Downloaded Transactions page.

If you didn't close your account, contact our Support team. You can do this by selecting the ? Help icon in QuickBooks.

Error 108 means there's a message from your bank or credit card on their website which requires your attention. Messages, especially ones about important updates, can block the connection to QuickBooks Online.

To fix this:

  1. Sign in to your bank or credit card's website.
  2. Check for updates, messages or notifications. If there's something for your to action, the message should give you specific instructions.
    Note: If you turn on pop-up blockers, you won't see messages at your bank's website. You can temporarily disable them by pressing CTRL while the page is loading.

Once all the messages are processed, update the bank connection in QuickBooks.

If you use QuickBooks Online

  1. In QuickBooks, go to Transactions.
  2. Select Bank transactions (Take me there).
  3. Select Reconnect, Update or Refresh.

If you use QuickBooks Self-Employed

  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Self-Employed.
  2. Select the profile ⚙ icon and then Bank accounts.
  3. Select Refresh all.

This error means that your bank's website is requiring you to update your password with them. To fix this, you'll need to sign in to your bank's website, update your password, then follow these steps to update QuickBooks as well.

To fix this, you'll need to update your password on your bank's website and then update your sign-in information in QuickBooks.

  1. Sign in to your bank's website and update your password.
  2. Sign in to your QuickBooks Online account.
  3. Go to Transactions, then select Bank transactions (Take me there).
  4. On the Banking page, select the account card.
  5. Select Edit ✎, then select Edit sign-in info.
  6. Enter your updated credentials.
  7. Select Save and connect.

Error 155 means that your financial institution isn't allowing QuickBooks Online to automatically connect and retrieve your data.

You should reach out to your bank and ask them to authorise the connection. If the issue persists, ask your bank representative to send a request to https://fi.intuit.com (English only) to find a solution. Be sure to make a note of your case or ticket number for future reference.

Error 179 means your bank's website has rejected the login attempt because you may already be logged on elsewhere.

You may have used the bank's app and didn't close it correctly. Some banks may not have acknowledged your logout request if you've already logged out. This takes around 15 minutes for most bank servers to update and recognise the logout request.

Here are some things you can try:

  • Make sure you have logged out of the bank website or app for more than 15 minutes.
  • Confirm you have cleared cache and cookies and tested in a private browser (incognito) as well.
  • Try another browser(s).
  • Make sure the bank app on your device is completely closed. Simply minimising the app doesn't send a log out request to the bank.
  • Check that you don't have background refresh turned on, as this can refresh apps even when closed causing it to appear logged in. (For steps, search Google: how to turn off app refresh on IOS/Android).
  • If you are using a joint account, make sure no one else is connected to the bank account's website or app.
  • Check if you have only connected one bank account to one QuickBooks Online account.
  • Try resetting the password for your bank account.

If you have carried out all the steps and are still encountering the error, get in touch with your bank as there may be an issue on their end.

Error 185 is a common issue that may occur when attempting to update your financial accounts in QuickBooks Online. It's often caused by the fact that your financial institution has additional security requirements that you need to address, such as a security question or one-time passcode.

• Security questions: If your bank or financial institution asks you a security question, enter your answer. This error may reappear the next time you update if you have multiple security questions. As you enter your answers, QuickBooks remembers the security questions you have been asked and answers for you.

Note: If you don't see the security question pop up, you might need to try another browser. You may also need to disable your browser's pop-up blocker.

• One-time password: If your bank or financial institution requires a one-time password, obtain it (via a device, SMS or phone call), and enter it when you come across Error 185.

  1. Go to Transactions, then select Bank transactions (Take me there).
  2. Select Update and follow the onscreen messages. Enter One Time Passcode when promoted.

Error 187 means your bank's additional security requirements, like security questions or one-time passwords, weren't entered correctly.

To fix this, try the following:

  • Go to your bank's website and make sure your security questions and answers are correct. If you've forgotten your original answers, your bank should provide advice on next steps to help you reset them.
  • Generate your one-time password and enter it right away.
  • If you have a new card, and you're using a card reader to generate your one-time password, disconnect and reconnect your account.
  • Use your own card when you get a one-time password from a card reader.
  • You can place a 0 at the start, middle, or end of the 8-digit passcode. Speak with your bank to confirm the appropriate format.

Error 192 means your bank has a security measure that requires more information. This is stopping QuickBooks Online from downloading banking transactions automatically. This can be in the form of ever-changing code that's required to access the account.

To work around this, you'll need to manually upload bank transactions into QuickBooks Online.

Error 323 means that you've connected accounts with similar names, or you've added the same bank account twice in QuickBooks.

If you have two accounts with the same name, or the last 4 digital of the account numbers are the same, sign in to your bank or credit card's website and rename the accounts so that each one has a unique name. Then try reconnecting the account again.

If you've added the same account twice, follow the steps to disconnect one of them.

Error 324 means we can't find the account you set up when it tries to connect to your bank or credit card's website. This may be because:

  • Your bank or credit card company changed the account or moved it to a new server.
  • You changed the account name or other information on your bank or credit card company's website.
  • Your bank or credit card company issued a new account or credit card.
  • You closed your bank or credit card account.

Select the headers for more steps to fix this error:

If you have two accounts with the same name at the bank, you'll need to rename one of them. For example, if you have two accounts named "XYZ", then rename the other to "XYZ 2". Afterwards, make sure to go back into QuickBooks to update and verify the connection.

If you use QuickBooks Online

  1. Go to Transactions.
  2. Select Bank transactions (Take me there).
  3. Select Update.
  4. If you still see the error, look for a banner on the Banking page. Select Check connections link and follow the steps to fix the issue.

If you use QuickBooks Self-Employed

  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Self-Employed.
  2. Select the profile ⚙ icon and then Manage accounts.
  3. Select Refresh all.
  4. If you still see the error, go to the Transactions menu.
  5. Look for a banner. Select Check connections link and follow the steps to fix the issue.

Important: If the connected account disappears after you follow the Check Connections link, select (?) Help, and then Contact us. We'll check your accounts to see what's causing these issues.

If you want to keep your old account in QuickBooks:

  1. Follow the steps to disconnect the account.
  2. Follow the steps to connect or link the new account to your chart of accounts.

If you want to start a new account in QuickBooks:

  1. Follow the steps to create a new account in QuickBooks Online.
  2. Follow the steps to connect the new account to your chart of accounts.
  3. Follow the steps to disconnect the old account.
  4. Follow the steps to merge the old and the new accounts.

This error means that the connection between your bank account and QuickBooks Online has expired and needs to be re-established for a further 90-day period.

Remember to review the bank transactions QuickBooks downloaded before reauthorising the connection. This will prevent duplicate transactions from being downloaded when you reconnect.

Learn how to reauthorise your bank account.

Bank errors 355 means QuickBooks Online unexpectedly couldn’t connect to your bank account. You may see the message:

Something unexpected happened and we can't connect to [bank].

When you see these errors, it means there's something unexpected on the bank's end that we can't resolve. We're unable to know what the exact issue with your bank is, but recommend waiting a few hours to see if it resolves itself. After that, try to connect your bank again.

These errors typically don't last more than 48 hours and should be resolved on their own. If the error persists, you can try reconnecting your bank account.

If you use QuickBooks Self-Employed, do not disconnect or delete the connection between your bank account and QuickBooks. Follow these steps to reconnect your account.

This error happens when the bank's connection expires. To fix this, you have to disconnect and then reconnect the affected bank account.

If you see these bank errors in QuickBooks Online, don't worry. Just reconnect the account to QuickBooks Online again. Follow the steps in this article to fix the problem.

If you use QuickBooks Self-Employed, do not disconnect or delete the connection between your bank account and QuickBooks. Follow these steps to reconnect your account.

If you are having this issue, there are two potential causes:

  1. You closed the authorisation page prematurely when connecting your bank to QuickBooks Online.
  2. There may be pop-up blockers enabled on your web browser which is preventing you from completing the setup and proceeding to the transaction page.

To solve this problem, turn off the pop-up blockers on your web browser and try to reconnect. Alternatively, refresh the page to make sure the permission page can load completely.

The error message "Sorry we can't update your account, please try updating again later." means the transactions in QuickBooks Online aren't updating.

This problem is only temporary and should resolve itself within 48 hours. If it persists after that, reach out to support.

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Fix error messages when manually uploading transactions

Select the error message you're getting to view the steps to fix it:

This can happen if one of your transactions has 12 or more digits. QuickBooks can't upload transactions this large.

To fix this:

  1. Remove the transaction from the file.
  2. Then, enter the transaction as an individual sales receipt or expense in QuickBooks.
  3. Upload the file again.

If you need, you can also reformat your CSV before you upload them.

This can happen if you're uploading a file for a different type of account than the one you selected. For instance, if you chose checking but you're uploading transactions from your savings account.

You can select Cancel to go back and select another account. You can also select OK to continue with the download.

If you need to add payments to the one that's not connected, you can upload transactions into parent or subaccounts.

However, if the related parent or subaccount is already set up for online banking, you may see an error. You can connect either the parent or subaccount, but not both.

To fix this:

  1. Temporarily disconnect the connected parent or subaccount from online banking.
  2. Upload the file.
  3. Reconnect the original parent or subaccount to online banking.

QuickBooks is doing its daily download of your recent bank and credit card transactions. You'll need to wait a little while until it finishes to avoid errors.

Your upload timed out. It's just a hiccup–wait a few minutes and upload it again.

You can also check the account type

Make sure you don't import to a subaccount, which is a current limitation. If you need to do so:

Contact Support if you have a unique subaccount setup so we can help you identify the best way to move forward.

There's a temporary server problem with QuickBooks. Wait a few minutes and then you can try again.

Hover over ! Bank Error to see an explanation and your financial institution's contact info. Most of the time, these issues need to be fixed on your bank's end.

In the meantime, you can:

This message may show for those with a Bankline account with Royal Bank of Scotland, NWB, or Ulster Bank. This can mean that you either don't have an account supported by Open Banking, or don't have the appropriate account privileges with your bank to share your information.

To fix this issue, you'll need to set up the appropriate Open Banking privileges on your bank account, or contact the Bankline support team directly.

This error message (also Error 9999 or 7500) means the transactions in QuickBooks Online aren't updating.

This problem is only temporary and should resolve itself within 48 hours. If it persists after that, reach out to support.

According to Open Banking rules, banks have to reauthorise new or changed bank feed connections every 90 days. If the link to your bank account has expired or needs updating, then disconnect it and establish the connection again.

If you don't link a bank account to QuickBooks and only upload a CSV file, the bank balance will appear as £0 since there is no active connection to the bank.

If your bank balance shows £0 after connecting to your bank account in QuickBooks, sign out and sign in again. This should refresh the system and the updated balance should be shown. If it doesn't work, select the Update button to try again.

You can either try to clear cache and cookies, or try logging into QuickBooks in an incognito window—which is also known as private browsing.

Unfortunately, QuickBooks doesn't offer a way to convert PayPal transactions in foreign currency to British Pound Sterling.

Here's how to manage transactions in a foreign currency:

  1. Exclude foreign currency transactions when you review these in your QuickBooks.
  2. Add these transactions manually or upload them manually via a CSV file with the correct amount.

If you use QuickBooks Self-Employed, here's how you can add transactions or import transactions.

If you get an error when trying to connect a bank account or upload transactions, don't worry, we have a solution.

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If you've got any questions or need a hand fixing a connection error, linking or reconciling a bank account, let us know. Sign in to QuickBooks and start a discussion in our QuickBooks Community.

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