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Change your company information in QuickBooks

by Intuit•31• Updated 1 month ago

Learn how to update your company information in QuickBooks, including your company name, contact information, VAT number, and more.

Note: This article is for customers using QuickBooks Online (Advanced, Essentials, Plus, and Simple Start) and QuickBooks Sole Trader.

Keep your company information up-to-date. This helps your customers find and contact you. QuickBooks can also personalise features that use your business information, like sales forms.

In this article, you'll learn how to:

Before you get started, here’s a quick overview of the settings you can update in the company tab:

  • Company name: Edit your company name, legal name, VAT number, and Companies House Registration Number (CRN).
    Note: In some cases, it might be better to add another company to keep your books distinct for VAT purposes, especially if you’ll use a different CRN.
  • Company type: Edit your tax form and industry.
  • Contact info: Update the company email (for QuickBooks communication), customer-facing email, company phone number, and website address.
  • Address: Edit your company address, customer-facing address, and legal address.
  • Communications with Intuit: Manage your marketing preferences.
  • Cookie preferences: Manage your cookie preferences.

Update your VAT number

  1. Go to Settings Settings gear icon. and select Account and settings.
  2. Select Company, then select ✎ Edit in the Company name section.
  3. Enter your VAT number.
  4. Select Save, then select Done.

Update your company name

  1. Go to Settings Settings gear icon. and select Account and settings.
  2. Select Company, then select ✎ Edit in the Company name section.
  3. Enter the new name in the Company name field.
  4. If the company's legal name is different from the Company name you entered:
    1. Enter the legal name in the Legal name field.
    2. Otherwise, select the Same as company name checkbox.
  5. Enter or edit your Companies House Registration Number (CRN) in the field provided.
  6. Select Save, then select Done.

Update your contact information

  1. Go to Settings Settings gear icon. and select Account and settings.
  2. Select Company, then select ✎ Edit in the Contact info section.
  3. In the Company email field, enter a company email address that QuickBooks can use to contact you.
  4. If you use the same email address for your customers, select the Same as company email checkbox in the Customer-facing email field.
  5. Enter a Company phone number as it appears on your sales forms.
  6. In the Website field, enter the URL of your company website as it appears on your sales forms.
  7. Select Save, then select Done.

Update your company address

You can enter up to three different addresses for your company:

  • Company address: The address where your company is physically located
  • Customer-facing address: The address used for communicating with your customers
  • Legal address: The address used when filing tax forms

To change any of your company addresses:

  1. Go to Settings Settings gear icon. and select Account and settings.
  2. Select Company, then select ✎ Edit in the Address section.
  3. In the Company address field, enter the main address for your company.
  4. In the Customer-facing address field:
    1. Enter an address for your customers use to contact you or send payments.
    2. Or select the Same as company address checkbox if it is the same as the Company address you entered.
  5. In the Legal address field:
    1. Enter the legal address you use when filing your company's taxes.
    2. Or, select the Same as company address checkbox if it is the same as the Company address you entered.
  6. Select Save, then select Done.

Update preferences for promotional offers from Intuit

  1. Go to Settings Settings gear icon. and select Account and settings.
  2. Select Company, then select the Marketing Preferences link in the Communications with Intuit section.
  3. On the Intuit Account manager page, enter or update the required information to personalise your products.
  4. Save your changes, once done.

Once you’re done:

QuickBooks will automatically update most of your changes. But, there are a few places you’ll need to update manually after you make changes to your business information. These are:

1. Default Sales Form Message

If you change your company name, you'll need to update your default sales form message otherwise, it'll continue to show your old company name.

2. Company Info for Different Locations

If you use location tracking (not available for QuickBooks Sole Trader), you’ll need to update your custom sales forms for each location.

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