You can make edits without opening an entire transaction, as well as make edits in bulk.
To make updates to your bank transactions after you post them to your books:
- Go to Transactions and select Bank transactions.
- Select Categorised.
- Select the transaction(s) that you’d like to update. (Note: To select a set of adjacent transactions at once, select the first transaction, hold down the shift key, and then select the last transaction. All transactions in between will be selected.)
Note: You can only update one type of transaction at a time. If you select multiple types of transactions, the Edit button will be disabled until the group of selected transactions consists entirely of a single transaction type. For example, you can’t edit an expense transaction and a transfer transaction because the fields are not the same in both transaction types.
When you’ve selected all the transactions you want to update:
- Select Edit and update the fields you want to change in the selected transactions.
- Select Save.