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Upload your receipts to QuickBooks Sole Trader

by Intuit2 Updated 3 months ago

Learn how to upload and attach your receipts to transactions in QuickBooks Sole Trader.

QuickBooks Sole Trader lets you upload and attach receipts to your transactions. Doing this can help you manage your expenses and be ready for tax time. We’ll show you how to do this on the QuickBooks mobile app as well as the QuickBooks Sole Trader web experience.

QuickBooks Sole Trader lets you capture, upload and attach receipts to your transactions. Doing this can help you manage your expenses and be ready for tax time. We’ll show you how to do this on the QuickBooks mobile app as well as the QuickBooks Sole Trader web experience.

If you don’t have the QuickBooks Accounting mobile app already, make sure to install it from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

If you don’t have the QuickBooks Accounting mobile app already, make sure to install it from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.


  • We don’t recommend uploading receipts with sensitive or personal info, like credit card numbers and government identifiers.
  • QuickBooks Sole Trader supports PDF, JPEG, JPG, and PNG images.

Capture and attach using the QuickBooks mobile app

You can capture photos of your paper receipts and save them in the QuickBooks mobile app. Then, confirm the extracted information is accurate, make any edits, and attach them to your transactions.

  1. Sign in to the QuickBooks mobile app.
  2. Under Quick Actions, select Snap Receipt.
    • Or, go to Image of the Menu icon. Menu, then the Receipts list, and tap the Camera Image of the camera icon. icon.
  3. Your camera app will open. Take a clear and steady photo of your paper receipt, ideally on a high-contrast background. We’ll help you automatically crop the image.
  4. Rotate and crop the photo as needed. When ready, select Use this photo. You can capture up to 5 images at a time.
  5. The QuickBooks mobile app automatically extracts the information from the receipt photo. You’ll be taken back to the Receipts list where you can find the new receipt. It will have either an “Unlinked” or “Missing Info” label.
  6. Tap the receipt to see details. If needed, you can enter any missing info such as the Date, Supplier, and Amount of the receipt.
  7. Select Image of the link icon. Link a transaction to attach the receipt to an existing expense transaction.
  8. Choose the appropriate transaction from the list that appears.
  9. Select Next, then Confirm.
  1. Sign in to the QuickBooks mobile app.
  2. Under Quick Actions, select Snap Receipt. Or, go to Image of the Menu icon. Menu, then Receipt snap, and tap the Camera Image of the camera icon. icon.
  3. Your camera app will open. Take a clear and steady photo of your paper receipt, ideally on a high-contrast background. We’ll help you automatically crop the image.
  4. Rotate and crop the photo as needed. When ready, select Use this photo.
  5. The QuickBooks mobile app automatically extracts the information from the receipt photo. You’ll be taken back to the Receipts list where you can find the new receipt. It will have either an “Unlinked” or “Missing Info” label.
  6. Tap the receipt to see details. If needed, you can enter any missing info such as the Date, Supplier, and Amount of the receipt.
  7. Select Image of the link icon. Link a transaction to attach the receipt to an existing expense transaction.
  8. Choose the appropriate transaction from the list that appears.
  9. Select Next, then Confirm.

When finished, you can return to the Receipts list to find your receipt with a linked Image of the link icon. icon to show that it’s attached to a transaction.

Upload and attach using the QuickBooks mobile app

In the QuickBooks mobile app, you can open an existing transaction and upload a receipt or other file from your mobile device.

  1. Sign in to the QuickBooks mobile app.
  2. Select Transactions.
  3. Select the transaction you want to attach a receipt to.
  4. In the transaction details, select Receipts Image of the receipt icon..
  5. Choose one of the following options:
    • Take a photo: Opens your camera app to allow you to take a clear and steady photo of your paper receipt.
    • Select existing photo: To browse and attach a file from your devices photo library.
    • Select from files: To browse and attach a file from your devices local files or cloud storage.
  6. Once you’ve taken a photo or added a file, you’ll see it appear as an attachment on the Receipts list for that transaction.
  7. From the Receipts list, you may select Add another receipt or swipe left on a receipt to view and select the Delete Delete icon. option, as needed.

On the All transactions screen, you’ll see a receipt Image of the receipt icon. icon on transactions that have at least one receipt attached.

Upload and attach on the web experience

  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Sole Trader.
  2. Go to Transactions.
  3. Find a transaction you want to attach a receipt to, then select the pencil pencil icon icon to open the Edit transaction panel.
  4. In the Edit transaction panel, drag and drop a file in the dotted line area, or choose select files to upload a file from your computer.
  5. Once selected, you’ll see the receipt on the Edit transaction panel for this transaction. From here, you may select Add another receipt. Or, select the Delete Delete icon. option, as needed. Select the thumbnail to preview the receipt.
  6. Select Apply when finished.
  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Sole Trader.
  2. Go to Transactions.
  3. Find a transaction you want to attach a receipt to, then select the Edit pencil icon icon to open the Edit transaction panel.
  4. In the Edit transaction panel, drag and drop a file in the dotted line area, or choose select files to upload a file from your computer.
  5. Once selected, you’ll see the receipt on the Edit transaction panel for this transaction. From here, you may select Add another receipt. Or, select the Delete no access icon option, as needed. Select the thumbnail to preview the receipt.
  6. Select Apply or Save when finished.

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