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Creating, amending common Sales, Purchase forms and Statements

by Intuit13 Updated 6 months ago


Create and Send an Invoice

  1. Login to QBO or QBOA.
  2. Select + New.
  3. Select Invoice. You can also go to Get paid & pay and select Invoices (Take me there), or go to Bookkeeping, select Transactions, then select All sales (Take me there).
  4. Select New Transaction and then select Create an Invoice.
  5. Select a customer from the Choose a customer field, or click the drop-down arrow to add a new customer.
  6. Complete the details of the invoice and select either Save, Save & Close, or Save & New (if you want to create another invoice), or Save & Send (if you want to send the invoice to your customer via email.) There is also an option to Save and Share link, if you want to copy or share the invoice link.

Note: Always enter a valid email address when sending invoices out, to make sure that your customers will receive them.

Void or Delete an Invoice

  1. Go to Sales and select Invoices (Take me there).
  2. Select the invoice you want to Void or Delete.

​Note: You can use the Search Tool located on the top right corner of your screen, to search for an invoice. The Search Tool feature lists all recent transactions and activities.You can also use the Advanced Search feature to locate a customer's invoice.

  1. Once you've opened the Invoice, select More and then choose Void or Delete to void or delete the Invoice.

More option from invoice

Credit Notes

To Send, Void or Delete a Credit Note

  1. Select + New.
  2. Select Credit Note from the header titled Customers.
  3. Type in the customer's information and make sure that you enter a valid email address if you want to email the Credit Note to your customer.
  4. Select either Save & Close, Save & Send or Save & New, (if you want to create another Credit Note).
  5. To void or delete a Credit Note, find the Credit Note using the Search tool located on the top right hand corner of your screen and open it.
  6. Select More and then choose Void or Delete.

Supplier Credit

To Raise or Delete Supplier Credit

  1. Select + New.
  2. Select Supplier Credit from the Suppliers header or from the menu on the left navigation bar, click Expenses followed by a drop-down arrow next to New Transaction and then select Supplier Credit
  3. To delete your Supplier Credit, locate the form and then open it.

​Note: You can use the Search Tool, located on the top right hand corner of your screen, to find the form. The Search Tool feature lists all recent transactions and activities. There is also an option to use the Advanced Search feature located below the recent transaction list.

  1. Once you've found the Supplier Credit, open the form and then click More to delete it.

More option from invoice

Purchase Orders

To create a Purchase Order

  1. Select + New.
  2. Select Purchase Order from the Suppliers header or from the left navigation bar.
  3. Select Expenses followed by a drop-down arrow next to New Transaction and then select Purchase Order.
  4. Complete the required fields in the Purchase Order form and then click either Save & Close, Save & Send or Save & New.

To Delete a Purchase Order

  1. If you require this Purchase Order to be deleted, find the Purchase Order using the Search or Advance search tool located on the upper right hand corner of the screen.
  2. Open the form and then click More.
  3. Select Delete to delete the Purchase Order.


To View or Print and Send Statements

QuickBooks allows you to send multiple statements at a time, as long as the customer's email addresses are entered.

  1. Select + New.
  2. Select Statements from the title named Other.
  3. The Recipients List will be shown and QuickBooks will highlight customers that are yet to have their email addresses listed.
  4. Select the tab named Statements available, then click Print or Preview located at the bottom of your screen.
  5. Select the Save & Send to send the Statement to your customer.

Copying Forms

Follow these steps if you want to copy some forms such as an Invoice, Credit Note, Supplier Credit, or Estimate.

  1. Find the form and then open it.
  2. Select More located at the base of your screen and then choose Copy. This will duplicate the form and will give you an option to make revisions if necessary.
  3. Save the copied form.


  1. To customise your forms, select the Gear located on the top right corner of your screen and then choose Custom Form Styles from the Settings menu.
  2. Select the drop-down arrow near the New Style button. You will be given options to import a style, or manually customise your form they way you want it to look like. This means you do have the liberty to choose your main colour, font size, and also add a company logo. It will also give you five templates to choose from.
  3. When you're done customising the form, you can preview it and then click Done.

Audit History

The Audit History allows you to monitor the activity of a particular form. For example, to view the audit history of an Invoice or a Purchase Order, do the following:

  1. Find your invoice or purchase order and open the form.
  2. Located at the bottom of your screen, click More and then Audit History.

Audit History document

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