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About QuickBooks integration preferences in QuickBooks Time

by Intuit Updated 8 months ago

After integrating QuickBooks Time and QuickBooks Online, find more options or edit your original options in QuickBooks Integration Preferences.

This article will outline all the preferences and options you will find in this window.

In QuickBooks Time, select QuickBooks, then select Preferences.

Choose what timesheets should show

These are the options that employees will see on their time cards and what their time will be tracked against.

Note: For any selection you make, all changes to that field must be made in QuickBooks and then synced to QuickBooks Time.

  • Customers & sub-customers: If selected, a customer selection is required on timesheets. You can assign these customers later.
  • Service Items: If selected, a service item selection is required on timesheets. 
  • Billable yes/no choice: If selected, team members can mark timesheets as billable or not billable. Billable timesheets can be used when invoicing in QuickBooks.
    • Require billable yes/no choice: The billable choice is required before clock-out. 
    • Billable Rate: If selected, team members can enter a billable rate on timesheets. 
  • Class: If class tracking is turned on in QuickBooks, this field can be selected. If selected, a class selection is required on timesheets.
  • Location: If location tracking is turned on in QuickBooks, this field can be selected. The name of the field varies based on what the field is named in QuickBooks. If selected in QuickBooks Time, the field is required on timesheets.

Exporting time to QuickBooks

This option isn't available with an active payroll subscription.

  • Don't export timesheets prior to this date: Select the calendar icon, then select a date. No time before that set date will export to QuickBooks during syncs.

Automatic import from QuickBooks

The QuickBooks Online integration offers an automatic import of any new or edited information in QuickBooks to QuickBooks Time. If you don’t use payroll, you can restrict this by deselecting any options you don’t want imported.

Under Automatic import from QuickBooks, uncheck the items you don’t want to automatically import. To turn off the automatic import entirely, uncheck Automatically import changes made in QuickBooks.

Email subscriptions

Send me an email when Team Member or Supplier details change: Opt to have an email notification if employee or supplier information are updated in QuickBooks, so you know when to run an import to update QuickBooks Time.

Other options

  • Import suppliers as team members: Adds your suppliers to QuickBooks Time as team members. Note: All active suppliers with a first and last name will be imported.
  • Use QuickBooks Online for payroll: This checkbox is available, only if you are not subscribed to payroll. When you select this checkbox, the Payroll Item Mapping Tool button becomes visible. See Payroll item mapping tool (Payroll only) section below for details.
  • Tell me when a time entry doesn't sync to QuickBooks: If you select this, you will get a notification when a time entry doesn't sync to QuickBooks.

Payroll item mapping tool (Payroll only)

If you have a payroll subscription, before exporting time, be sure your employees are set up with payroll items. Use this tool to map their QuickBooks payroll items to the appropriate time types in QuickBooks Time (for example: regular, overtime, time off, and so on).

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