PensionSync errors in QuickBooks Online Advanced Payroll
by Intuit• Updated 2 years ago
Encounter an error message on the dashboard? No problem. In this article, you'll find general troubleshooting information for fixing PensionSync errors in QuickBooks Online Advanced Payroll.
Error message:
The start_on does not match our existing record for this employee.
What does this mean?
This issue is to do with one of the employees with a different start date. It can be either the pension start date or the actual start date of the employee.
For more information on the error:
- Go to Payroll Settings, select Pension Settings and Actions.
- Then, select Open scheme management tool and Alerts.
- Find the most recent error and click on Details.
The error message on PensionSync provides more details and includes additional information like the employee ID, the date in QuickBooks vs the date expected.
Error message:
The submission has an enrolment date for this worker which is before the employee start date.
What does this mean?
The enrolment date on the pension provider's side is before the employee's start date in QuickBooks, or the other way around.
What does this mean?
The end date of the period in QuickBooks does not match the end date of the period expected by the pension provider.
Error message:
The period dates in your submission don't match what the pension provider <> is expecting for this worker. For this worker the expected period start date is <>.
What does this mean?
The start date of the period in QuickBooks does not match the start date of the period expected by the pension provider.
Error message:
The email address you have provided for this worker is already assigned to another worker at the pension provider. Please review and correct the email address so that it is unique for all the workers in the company.
What does this mean?
In addition to the email address, please also review the fields below:
- Employee ID
- Name
- Email address
- NI number
Error message:
- D/W02 - An Eligible status must have an AE Date
- D/X13 - Scheme Join Date must be supplied for Entitled employees with contributions
What does this mean?
This means that an employee status has been set as Eligible, but an assessment date has not yet been entered.
Error message:
- H/C03 File start date is different to your account settings
- H/D03 File end date is different to your account settings
What does it mean?
This means that the pay date falls outside of the pay period which is on the 5th of every month.
Error message:
IFC02011 - A member is uniquely identified by a member's National Insurance (NI) number or alternative unique identifier. The member's identifier is being used more than once in the same file. Please check the details you've entered so we can identify this particular member.
What does this mean?
Even though the error mentioned the NI number, the incorrect field can be any of the below:
- Employee ID
- Name
- Email Address
- NI Number
Error message:
IFC12161 - We can't find a record of this member for this employer account. Please check that the member has been enrolled and information entered for them is correct.
What does this mean?
The newly assessed employee/customer would need to first add the employee on the pension provider's website and then complete their submission.
Error message:
EventDate must be less than or equal to the PayPeriodEndDate.
What does it mean?
The assessment/enrolment date must be within the pay period.
Error message:
AEOptOutDate must be greater than or equal to the event date.
What does it mean?
The opt-out date must be on or after the assessment/enrolment date.
Error message:
Your submission does not match the pay period dates expected by the pension provider Smart Pension for the included worker(s). The expected pay period is as follows: Start Date <> to End Date <>
What does it mean?
The dates of the period in QuickBooks do not match the dates of the period expected by the pension provider.
It is advisable that the Payroll ID remain the same after migrating from another payroll software provider. Changing the Employee Payroll ID may cause an error when syncing the pension.
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