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Find duplicate transaction numbers in QuickBooks Online

by Intuit1 Updated 2 weeks ago

Learn how to find any duplicate transaction numbers in QuickBooks Online. This way, if you've accidentally used the same number twice, you can edit your transaction numbers.

Check your expenses for duplicate transaction numbers

Here’s how to find your expense transactions with duplicate transaction numbers.

  1. Go to Expenses (Take me there)
  2. Select the NO. column to sort your transactions.
  3. Check for duplicates.

Run a supplier report

You can run a supplier report to have a clear view of all your expenses.

  1. Go to Reports (Take me there).
  2. Enter Transaction List by Supplier in the search field.
  3. From the Report period dropdown menu, select All Dates.
  4. Select Run report.
  5. Select Sort▼.
  6. From the Sort by▼ dropdown menu, select No. Then select Ascending order or Descending order.

You’ll see a list of your bills, cheques, expenses, and other expense transactions listed in numerical order.

Check your sales for duplicate transaction numbers

Here’s how to find your sales transactions with duplicate transaction numbers.

  1. Go to Sales and select All sales (Take me there).
  2. Select the NO. column to sort your transactions.
  3. Check for duplicates.

Run a customer report

You can run a customer report to have a clear view of all your sales transactions.

  1. Go to Reports (Take me there).
  2. Enter Transaction List by Customer in the search field.
  3. From the Report period dropdown menu, select All Dates.
  4. Select Sort▼.
  5. From the Sort by dropdown menu, select No. Then select Ascending order or Descending order.

You’ll see a list of your invoices, sales receipts, and other sales transactions listed in numerical order.

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