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Manage timesheets in QuickBooks Workforce

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

Learn how to create, edit, delete, approve, and reject timesheets, or insert a break for your team members or crew in QuickBooks Workforce. 

Only account admins or a manager can manage timesheets for another team member. To access the Crew feature in the Workforce app, go to More, select Settings, then General. Turn on Show Admin Crew.

To access your team members’ timesheets in the app, select Track Time, then Timesheets. Select My timesheets, and then select All timesheets

Learn how to:

Create a timesheet

If you need to add hours worked for a team member without clocking them in and out, follow the steps below. 

  1. In QuickBooks Workforce, select Crew or More, then Crew.
  2. Select your crew name, then the team member, and select Clock In.
  3. Select Duration next to Type, then select the date and hours.
  4. In the Job or Customer field, choose the job or customer, and fill out any required fields.
  5. Select Clock In. A "Timesheet created for 1 user" message displays. 
    • Note: The team member isn't actually clocked in.

Note: You can also clock your crew members in instead of creating a timesheet, if needed. 

Insert a break

Note: You can only insert manual breaks, and the timesheets must have a clock in and a clock out time. You can’t insert breaks into hour duration or PTO timesheets. 

  1. In the Workforce app, select Track Time, then Timesheets, and select a timesheet.
  2. Select the specific timesheet you want to edit, then at the top, select More More_QBTime_US_Ext_052223.png, then Insert break.
  3. Select Start break at, select a time, then select Save.
    • Note: the time defaults to the middle of the timesheet. You can’t select a time outside the original timesheet.
  4. Select break to choose a break type.
    • Note: Selecting an unpaid break displays the new total hours for that timesheet.
  5. If needed, select Duration to edit the length of the break.
  6. Select Save break.

Review and approve a timesheet

  1. In the Workforce app, select Track Time, then Timesheets.
  2. Make sure it’s set to display All timesheets.
  3. Select More More_QBTime_US_Ext_052223.png, then Approve time.
  4. If you need to change the date range, select More Filters, and select a different date range, then Apply.
  5. If you want to review individual timesheets before approval, select a team member's name.

Approve all timesheets

  1. On the Timesheets screen, select More More_QBTime_US_Ext_052223.png, then Approve time.
  2. Select Approve All.

Approve an individual timesheet

Approve timesheets without reviewing or editing them:

  1. Below each team member's name, select Approve.
    1. If you need to unapprove, select Unapprove.

Review or edit individual timesheets before approving them:

  1. Select a team member's name. A list of the individual timesheets displays. 
    • To add a timesheet, select Add +, fill out the fields, then Save Timesheet.
    • To edit a timesheet, select the timesheet, then More More_QBTime_US_Ext_052223.png, and select Edit timehseet. Make your edits, then select Save Timesheet.
    • To delete a timesheet, select the timesheet, then More More_QBTime_US_Ext_052223.png, and select Delete timesheet. Select Delete to confirm. 
  2. When you’re done with your edits, select Approve.

Edit a timesheet

  1. In the Workforce app, select Track Time, then Timesheets, and select a timesheet.
  2. Select the specific timesheet you want to edit.
  3. Make edits to the fields you want to change, then select Save.

Reject a timesheet

Note: Time must have been either submitted by the team member or previously approved and then unapproved for this option to appear, if team member submissions are turned on.

  1. In the Workforce app, select Track Time, then Timesheets.
  2. Make sure it’s set to display All timesheets.
  3. Select More More_QBTime_US_Ext_052223.png, then Approve time.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To reject timesheets without reviewing or changing them, below each team member's name, select Reject.
    • If you want to review the timesheets before rejecting them:
      1. Select a team member's name. A list of their individual timesheets displays.
      2. At the top of the screen, select Reject.
  5. If you want to, turn on Send message to [name], enter a message, and select Reject & Send. Otherwise, select Reject again.

Delete a timesheet

  1. In the Workforce app, select Track Time, then Timesheets, and select a timesheet.
  2. Select the specific timesheet you want to edit, then at the top, select More More_QBTime_US_Ext_052223.png, then Delete timesheet.
  3. Select Delete to confirm. 

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