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Megan 3
Level 1

Matching suppliers credits to statements - help please

I am looking for some clear guidance on where I am going wrong please. 

I am trying to catagorise my bank transactions. I have several statements which have been paid . I can see all the invoices and credit notes which these statements relate to, and have everyone put in on QuickBooks. 
when selecting ‘match’ I can find all bills but not credit notes. Therefore cannot categorise the transaction. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

QuickBooks Team

Matching suppliers credits to statements - help please

I'll provide additional details to ensure you can match your statement to QuickBooks, Megan3.


Credit notes or supplier credits will only affect the customer's accounts, which is why they did not appear. Instead, you can enter the supplier credit and record it as a bank deposit to accurately reflect this in the bank transactions during matching.


Here's how:


1. Select + New, then choose Supplier credit.

2. Choose the Supplier and the Category/account.

3. Enter the overpayment amount refunded by the supplier.

4. Select Save and Close


Next, record the refund from the supplier:


1. Select + New, then Bank deposit.

2. In the Account dropdown menu, choose the bank account used. 

3. In the Add funds to this deposit section, choose Received from Select the supplier who gave you a refund.

4. Choose Account, then select Creditors and Enter the amount

Select Save and Close.


Once done, match the supplier credit to clear the balance on the supplier account.


1. Select + New.

2. Select Cheque.

3. In the Payee dropdown, select the Suppliers.

4. Look for the Deposit and Credit on the right-hand panel, and select Add (or tick if it's listed on the screen). The 'amount paid' should show 0.00. 

5. Select Save and Close.


Refer to this article for more precise details in recording your vendor refunds: Handle supplier refunds and credits.


In addition, you can check this article for further guidance in matching and categorizing your transactions: Categorize and match bank transactions.


We're here to assist with any other questions in recording supplier refunds. Have a good day ahead.

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