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Filing historical VAT returns using Quickbooks online accountant

Hello, hoping there is someone out there that can help me! We have recently taken on a client who has not filed any VAT returns since VAT registration on 1st March 2019. I have reviewed their Quickbooks bookkeeping and made the necessary adjustments. However, none of the overdue VAT periods are showing on the VAT screen (only the current period), and I can't seem to find anywhere to enter a date of VAT registration (hoping that this will then show outstanding periods). It may be that I need to export his VAT returns and use bridging software to bring everything up to date and then use Quickbooks for submission going forward. Any help greatly appreciated!

QuickBooks Team

Filing historical VAT returns using Quickbooks online accountant

Hello Beckyjc2000, 


Welcome to the Community page, 


If you don't have MTD turned on you can click prepare return and then you will be able to enter the start and end date. as long as no other periods are filed in Quickbooks, by the sounds of things it doesn't sound like you have. Then once that first period is filed the next period will start the day after the end date of the filed period. 


Then once you are all up today to the period that it is showing you currently. if you turn MTD back on then  you will be able to submit that return when it is due. 

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