This option isn't available for now in QuickBooks Desktop, @hobbieheat.
We know that having this kind of feature will greatly save you a lot of time. Therefore, let me take note of this as a suggestion to improve your QuickBooks experience.
For now, you'll have to manually follow these steps to send invoices to your customers:
- Go to the Customers menu and click Create Invoices.
- Select the customer from the Customer: Job drop-down list. Then, enter the email address in the Email field.
- Fill out the rest of the invoice.
- Click the Email drop-down list, then select Invoice.
- Review the invoice message. When you’re ready, select Send.
Also, you can run the Transactions List by Customer report in QuickBooks Desktop. This will show you the list of your income transactions grouped by customer. Just go to Reports and select Customers & Receivables. Then, click the Transactions List by Customer.
I'm always here to help if you have any other concerns or questions. Just tag my name in the comment section and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.