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Add and match downloaded bank transactions [Video]

by Intuit5 Updated 1 year ago

Downloaded transactions from your bank go to the For Review tab on your QuickBooks Banking page. You can then review, categorise, and accept the transactions into QuickBooks. This article contains a video and step-by-step guide to Match Transactions, and another video and step-by-step guide to Add Transactions.

QuickBooks analyses your bank transactions against your QuickBooks data to match them. So, if you have set up banking rules for transactions, QuickBooks uses those rules to categorise them. If not, QuickBooks suggests categories for each downloaded transaction based on your previously accepted transactions or asks you to create new categories. If the transaction is processed outside of the 90 day period, you will need to manually match it.

This video shows you how to match the transactions to the existing transactions in your company file.

Follow the steps below to match your transactions.

  1. To view or accept the match, select Banking from the left menu.
  2. If QuickBooks has found a possible match for the bank transaction, QuickBooks displays an outlined green box under the Category or Match column that says 1 record found message to the matching transaction.
  3. Click to expand the transaction to review its details.
  4. If it is the correct match, select Match under the Action column to move the transaction from the For Review to the In QuickBooks tab.
  5. If it not the correct match, select the transaction row then choose to Find Other Records, Add or Transfer the transaction.

If there is more than one exact match

  1. Under the Category or Match column, QuickBooks displays an outlined green box that says # matches found. This means that QuickBooks has found multiple transactions which have the same amount as the bank transaction.
  2. Select View under the Action column to expand the row.
  3. View and select from one of the possible matches listed.
  4. Select Match when you are done, the transaction will be moved from the Categorised to the In QuickBooks tab.

If a downloaded transaction amounts to more than one QuickBooks transaction

  1. Select the transaction row that you know represents multiple QuickBooks transactions to view the details.
  2. If the transaction has a match, select Find Matches. If the transaction does not have a match, select Find other matches.
  3. In the Match Transactions window, put a tick on the transactions that should be matched to the downloaded transaction.
  4. Be sure the total amount matches the downloaded amount:
    • If the total amount matches the downloaded amount, that's good. No further action needed.
    • If the total amount is more than the downloaded amount, remove some matches until the difference is 0. Or, adjust the QuickBooks transaction amounts and then try matching again.
    • If the total amount is less than the downloaded amount, select more matches, adjust the QuickBooks transaction amounts, or enter a new QuickBooks transaction to handle the remaining amount and then try matching again.
  5. Select Save. The transaction moves from the Categorised to the In QuickBooks tab.

If you can't find a transaction

If you can't find a transaction you entered in QuickBooks, check and make sure that the transaction:

  • has not been reconciled
  • was entered using the same bank account.
  • has not been previously matched to another bank downloaded transaction.
  • is not outside the date range displayed. Change the dates to help find the transaction you're looking for. Select the date field to manually change or select the calendar icon to change the from and to dates.

Note: Multicurrency bank feeds will not show a match option as been disabled and is only available in your home currency. Any multicurrency transactions can only be added or excluded.

If you didn’t manually enter transactions prior to the downloading transactions from the bank, you need to review and assign categories to the downloaded transactions then add them.

This video shows you how to match the transactions to the existing transactions in your company file.

Follow the steps below to add your transactions.

  1. Select Banking from the left menu.
  2. ​Under the For Review tab, select the transaction row to review the type of transaction it is.
  3. Select a category from the Category drop-down. If the entry is either Uncategorised Income or Uncategorised Expense, choose a more specific category from the list. You can create additional categories from your Chart of Accounts as needed.
  4. If you have VAT turned on, select the VAT amount from the VAT drop-down.
  5. Select Add to move the transaction from the Categorised tab to the In QuickBooks tab.

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