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Fix bank error 103 in QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Self-Employed

by Intuit125 Updated about 2 hours ago

Learn how to fix error 103 when you connect your bank to QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Self-Employed.

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Error 103 usually occurs due to an incorrect username or password for the bank account you’re trying to connect to. Fix this error for both existing and new connections, so you don’t have to manually upload bank transactions every time. Here's how.

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Step 1: Confirm your sign-in info is correct

Make sure you have the correct user ID and password for your bank account.

  1. Open a new window in your web browser, then go directly to your bank’s website.
  2. Sign in with the sign-in info you have. If your password is automatically entered for you, select the show A close up of a traffic light with a blurry background. icon next to it. This reveals your password.
  3. If you sign in successfully, then you know the user ID and password are correct.
    Note: If you can't sign in, follow your bank’s instructions to reset your password. You’ll need this in Step 3.

Step 2: Check if your bank requires third-party access

For security reasons, some banks need your permission to connect your bank account to another service like QuickBooks Online.

  1. While you visit your bank’s website, check if it requires third-party access.
  2. If so, follow your bank’s instructions to turn it on. Or;
  3. Contact your bank if you need help or aren’t sure about this requirement.

Step 3: Enter your bank sign-in info in QuickBooks

Follow these steps to connect your bank account to QuickBooks. Make sure to select the same bank you signed in to earlier. Some banks have very similar names.

Follow these steps if you need to update your sign-in info for your bank in QuickBooks Online.

  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Online.
  2. Go to Transactions, then select Bank transactions.
  3. Select the bank or credit card account you need to update.
  4. Select Edit pencil icon, then select Edit account sign in. This takes you to your bank’s website in a new web browser.
    Note: If your web browser auto-fills the username and password fields, clear them. This helps you make sure the browser doesn’t enter old info by mistake.
  5. Enter the username and password you have from Step 1.
  6. Select Update.
  1. Go to Transactions.
  2. Select the New transaction ▼ dropdown and choose Manage connections.
  3. For the bank account you want to update, select the Vertical ellipses icon.icon and choose Edit sign-in info.
  4. If your web browser auto-fills the user ID and password fields, clear them. This ensures your browser doesn’t put in old info by mistake.
  5. Manually type in the user ID and password for your bank account. If your bank offers a Show option, select it so you can confirm you entered the password correctly.
  6. Select Update.

Fix an issue where a wrong security question appears

For increased protection when connecting your bank to QuickBooks, your bank might show an incorrect security question if you enter the wrong sign-in info. This could be confusing ‌if you believe you're using the correct username and password.

Follow these steps to fix it:

  1. Double-check your sign-in info at the bank’s website using a private browsing session.
  2. If that didn't work, it could be because you're trying to sign in to the wrong bank. Double-check that the bank listed is the exact one you're meaning to sign in to.

If the issue persists, sign in to QuickBooks using an incognito or private browser. You can also try other browser troubleshooting options.

Note: If needed, you can manually upload the transactions to QuickBooks. You can also check out other banking error solutions if you encounter any.

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