Edit, delete, or void employee paychecks
by Intuit•391• Updated 1 month ago
Learn when and how to fix an employee paycheck.
Need to make changes to a paycheck or cancel your payroll run? Follow the steps in this article if you:
- Created a duplicate paycheck
- Entered the wrong info on a paycheck (such as hours, deductions, additions, or paycheck or pay period dates)
- Used an incorrect work location (QuickBooks Online Payroll only)
Need to void a contractor payment? See Cancel or delete contractor direct deposit payments after they're sent.
Should I edit, delete, or void a paycheck?
- Edit a paycheck: This updates your paycheck info directly for the payroll. You can edit paychecks if you haven’t sent your payroll to us yet.
- Delete a paycheck: This removes the paycheck from your payroll. You can delete paychecks if you haven't sent your payroll to us yet.
- Void a paycheck: This changes your paycheck dollar amount to zero. You may need to make adjustments to balance your books. This doesn't stop a direct deposit from processing and doesn't return funds to you. Tax amounts collected through Automated Tax Withdrawal will apply to future payrolls. You can void paychecks if you already sent your payroll to us.
Edit, delete, or void paychecks
Depending on your processing time and payroll service, you may be able to edit, delete or void a paycheck.
Choose your payroll service below for direct deposit processing deadlines and steps on how to change or cancel your direct deposit paychecks.
Note: Don't know which payroll service you're using? Find out which payroll service you have. |
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